About Quakers

Quakers, also called Friends, practice a religion of experience; a contemporary, simple, and radical faith.

The Religious Society of Friends began in the 17th century in England. Today, over 81,000 Quakers live and worship in the United States and Canada. We believe that every person is loved by the Divine Spirit. Quakers are of all ages, education backgrounds, races, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, and classes. Everyone is welcome among Friends.


  • Every person is known by God and can know God in a direct relationship.
  • The Quaker faith has deep Christian roots. Many Quakers consider themselves Christians, and some do not. Many Quakers find meaning and value in the teachings of many faiths.
  • Quakers strive to live lives that are guided by a direct encounter with the Divine, more than by teachings about the Divine.  Quaker terms for the Holy include God, the Seed, the Light Within, and the Inward Teacher, among others.
  • Testimonies are ways that Quakers have found to express our experience of the Divine in our lives.  Some of the best recognized testimonies include simplicity, integrity, equality, community, and peace.